Karen Hernandez
1 min readAug 26, 2021


Rebecca, one way I stay active in dismantling racism is sharing topics on race that I read daily on Medium with my friends and followers and the public in general on FB , along with my comments on the matters addressed. I do this daily. My grandkids ask me every day "What did you do today?" and I always have the same answer--"My work." They know exactly what I mean. And I am proud to say the three grandkids that live with us know more about BLM and CRT Black ( BIPOC) history than most of their classmates or teachers. I am training them up to be as antiracist as I am---hopefully. I'm not going anywhere where I will not be standing with you, following you, supporting you, and engaging with antiracists till the day I die. Because it is what I care about. Only God is more important and He's the one who led me up this path when I was just 6 years old. I'm 70 and still have my foot on the pedal in this seemingly unending race for equal rights for all. Peace and blessings!



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